Living on $2 a Day: Poverty and Food Equity in America

The latest episode of our Add Passion and Stir podcast is one you have to hear. Kathy Edin, a sociologist, poverty expert and author, and Tom McDougall, a food access social entrepreneur, sat down with me and Debbie to talk about how people on public programs like Medicaid and SNAP (food stamps) are already desperately struggling to survive. We know that the proposed program cuts in President Trump's budget will further devastate these families.

Edin, the author of "$2 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America", specializes in the study of people living on welfare. In this Add Passion and Stir episode, she shares stunning statistics and touching anecdotes of these impoverished families. McDougall, of 4P Foods, joins her to add his perspective on food equity and the political, social, economic, and geographic systems that keep poor people down.

Read more here and listen here or on iTunes.